Friday, April 22, 2005

Thanks for all your support!

I want you all to know how much all of your prayers and support have encouraged me. It is certainly more challanging to go through physical trail when all your friends and family live on the other side of the country. Most of you know by now that my problem was a prolaps uterus. The doctor I'm no longer seeing said it happens one in a million during pregnancy. I did have an ultrasound and we got to see our little baby's heart beat and him/her kicking his/her little legs. That was great to see and very comforting knowing that baby looks great.

I am currently looking for another doctor to go to. This last one was really flaky to say the least. Doctors are so different than midwives. They don't take time to get to know you like I'm used to. It's hard not to feel like a number. (Jeanne - you are certainly more than welcome to come be my exchange midwife - get it instead of exchange student - ha ha ha!) Anyway I just want to take the time now to say THANK YOU JESUS!!! Although my prolasp is still there. It is not nearly as prolapsed as it was a few weeks ago. I am able to presume almost my regular activity. I just know God is working it all out and everything is going to be just fine. I'm still not giving up on the idea of a homebirth with a midwife. The only midwives here that do homebirth are lay midwives. So I want to get a second opinion from a doctor first. I want to do what is safe.

My prayer is
-That God would continue growing a healthy and strong baby.
-That my eyes will stay focused on Him, remembering that He can do all things and He is in control.
-That He would position my organs to be exactly where they need to be to have a safe and suppernatural delivery without complications.

I would love for you to join me these next few months in this prayer. I'm just about half way there. And thanks again for all your support and feedback. It means so much to me.


At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicole, I'm so glad to finally see and update, I'm so glad your prolapse is doing better, we'll continue to pray for complete healing, and that this will not have to be your last pregnancy. (Especially if you have another girl!;) It was so great to see new pics of the girls, They are getting so big, I can hardly believe it!! Be sure to give them hugs and kisses from their Nana! I hope you will be home soon, so they won't forget me! I love you all (Yes, even you Hans) And miss you lots, Love NanaMomJudi

At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That IS wonderful news! I will keep praying for you & your baby as well as the rest of your fabulous family! God IS in control! You will be led to the right person to help you with your delivery. And if it turns out to be with a doctor in a hospital, do not fear! There's a reason for everything; you just don't need to know the why right now.
Auntie Connie


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