Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Detox Week

Well we survived Detox. I lost five pounds and Hans lost eight!!! Of course that wasn't the reason we were doing detox but it sure is a nice benifit. Because I was not able to get my scrapbook stuff I spent a lot of time at Carolyn's reading my detox books. I was so amazed at what I found out. Hans and I decided that over the course of this year we are going to completely change the way we eat. At the end of the year our diet will consist of organic fruits and vegetables, organic grains and seeds, and limited organic meats and dairy products, natural sweetners, and fat. Yes we are becoming organic junky's. I will make all our food from scratch so as to avoid the poison (preservitives) that is in almost all prepackaged foods. I'm really excited about it. I'm looking forward to the challange of finding yummy "healthy" recipies to make.

Hans and I have eaten more veggies in the last two weeks then our 4 1/2 years of married life. I'm considering starting a detox blog. I don't want to uses our family blog as a soap box for nutritian. Although it has become a passion of mine.

Oh yeah, I'm so happy that Hans has decided to give up Pepsi! Or at least he say's he thinks he is. After the week and half of Detox he tried to drink a pepsi and he didn't really care for it.


At 3:55 PM, Blogger Jenni said...

That's great Nicole, if you get recipes that you try and like please share them with me and I will post them on my recipe blog and I will do the same. We are slowly going to more healthy whole foods as you know so it will be fun to go there together. I'm wanting to figure out how to get more veggies in our diet. Just realising today that we hardly buy any except for frozen ones which are better than canned.

Anyway, loved the pictures, and the one of you and Morgan is really sweet-did you get your hair cut? It's cute :)


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