Saturday, September 09, 2006


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
These next few pictures are gross. Please be adviced if you have a week stomach you may not want to continue. You may have to enlarge this picture to see the blisters around this wound. I pretty much left them alone for a few days after the wire brush insident. But a couple of days ago I finally ran the back of my fingernail around the soars on both legs and poped all the blisters. Man did the ooz flow freely after that. I have to carry a cloth diaper around with me to constantly wipe the ooz away. Popping thos blisters really helped with the itching. Unfortanatly I have other spots all over that (don't look anything like this) itch like crazy. In fact it's 1 in the morning and I had to get up out of bed because I was itching to bad.

So for you morbid folks I've posted so progressive pictures! Enjoy. And try not to pass out. I'm still strugling with that...even now as I type. This is so GROSS!


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