A day in the life
Monday, December 20, 2004
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Challange to family and friends
Anyone who is up for the challange will enjoy an all expense paid trip to the authentic Dearborn Michigan. The question is will I have any takers?
Do you want to know what the challange is?
Are you sure?????
Maybe you should sit down first?
Hurry up!
Are you sitting?
Okay, I'll get to the point.
Anyone who is willing to come and potty train my two year old is the winner! Don't think I'm joking. We'll even feed you and give you a place to sleep. Do I have any takers? PLEASE!!! OH PLEASE!!! OH P L E A S E ! ! ! ! She is so stinky!
Oh the wheather outside is frightful!
Well as Christmas approaches so does the 20 degree wheather. And our neighbor says it'll be below zero after Christmas. I'm certainly not looking forward to that. In fact I've already put some thought into it and figure the only place I'll really need to go it the grocery store and I'll only need to do that once a month. So I'll brave the wheather to go to church and to the grocery store but that is about it.
Hans and I are busy dreaming of moving. Although the "moving" aspect of moving is a dreadful thought, a nicer house is a welcomed one. This is a cute house but there are some major annoyances. For example: The floor sqeeks so loud it wakes Morgan up sometimes, the microwave doesn't work half the time and when it does it doesn't work well, the breakers blow several times a day (which means a trip to the basement to flip the switch), and it is so drafty.
I don't want to sound like a whiner. . . I know at times I am. Over all God has been more than good to us. His faithfulness continues to amaze us! I'm so grateful that I know Him. He is such a good God. We give Him the praise for all our success. We would get nowhere and be nothing without His unending love.