Friday, September 22, 2006


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
My girls are going to be the best of friends. I'm not sure who got in first. I heard Morgan say "you're squishing me Haley Jean" and that is when I peeked in and saw this. I thought it was really funny that Morgan was the on that was complaining about the situation.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
I was trying to get a close up of Haley's teeth. It's a bit blurry but I think you can make them out. She has five teeth now. You'll probably only be able to see 4 though. The fifth one has just barly came through.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Haley's climbing in action. She actually was walking behind the chair scooting it around. She ran into the cupboard with it and discovered it would be so useful to use to reach the shinny things with nobs on it.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
I just love this picture. Morgan got this apron when she went wih her daddy to Home Depot. I love Morgan in the background wondering why Daddy has her apron on.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Haley is such a little sweetie! Her new found passion is climbing. Yes she has climbed into my file box. It was cute the first couple of times but then it got really inconvienant.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Can you guess which little cutie this is. Notice her blanki?


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
I have stink'n cute girls!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
My sweet Haley Jean! While I'm stuck in bed with poison ivy she is trying to hard to see what Mommy is doing up there. She is such a little sweet heart.

By the way her record is 16 steps. I think it's almost safe to say she is a full fledged walker. She will turn 1 year old the end of the month. This year has gone by so fast.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
During her two weeks of rash, Morgan has been taking her blanket with her everywhere. I did however, draw the line and her bringing it to the kitchen table when we were eating. She has such a passion and bond with her "blanki". It's so funny. It got so dirty from being toated around everywhere. I'm glad to say that Morgan is feeling almost 100% better. And the blanki now has to stay where it belongs...on her bed! Much to her dismay I might add!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
I'm glad we can teach our girls not to be afraid of snacks!

Mommy watch me swing!

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Morgan is talking so good. Here she discovered that she can swing from the table. I took a video clip of it if you would like to see her in action you can go to

BLUE! Wonderful Blue!

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Elizabeth discovered that she had blue pants on and a blue striped shirt. She went around the house after this discovery collecting anything and everything that she could find that was blue. This included the stool Morgan used to go potty, and Haley's binki. She's so cute! She's also so excited to know that Elizabeth started with the letter E. Anytime she sees and E she says "Mom that E for Elizabeth" In the most excited voice ever. She carried her stash around for several hours!

Disposible Diaper?

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Who says these a disposible? Look how well they washed up in the washing machine. To my surprise when I was transfering a load of cloths into the dryer I found these. Don't ask me...I have no idea. This is what happens when mom isn't functioning well.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
These next few pictures are gross. Please be adviced if you have a week stomach you may not want to continue. You may have to enlarge this picture to see the blisters around this wound. I pretty much left them alone for a few days after the wire brush insident. But a couple of days ago I finally ran the back of my fingernail around the soars on both legs and poped all the blisters. Man did the ooz flow freely after that. I have to carry a cloth diaper around with me to constantly wipe the ooz away. Popping thos blisters really helped with the itching. Unfortanatly I have other spots all over that (don't look anything like this) itch like crazy. In fact it's 1 in the morning and I had to get up out of bed because I was itching to bad.

So for you morbid folks I've posted so progressive pictures! Enjoy. And try not to pass out. I'm still strugling with that...even now as I type. This is so GROSS!

Still growing!

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.

To this!

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.

My poor swoolen itchy/ouchy legs!

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.

From this...

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.

To this!

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.

A mind of it's own.

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
This stuff just seems to be getting worse and worse. It went from this to the picture below in just a couple of days.

A couple of days latter.

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
I can't wait until this is healed!

My little trouper!

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
The poison ivy rash got on Elizabeths face to. She's been so good. She hardly has messed with it.

Monday, September 04, 2006


Well the lovely pictures below are from poison ivy. They weren't bug bites after all. Unfortunately the rash has spread and gotten worse. It was so painful yesterday (my leg) that I stayed in bed all day, which I don't like to do by the way.

I just want to say I have a wonderfully loving husband that took over the house and kids so I could rest. He even made us our meals the entire day. I don't know if I was just really hungry or what but he made a Mexican egg dish for dinner and it was delicious!

My leg looks so grotesque that I have felt many times like I was going to pass out. I will be so glad when I'm able to walk around freely with out ooz running down my leg.

Well it's good to know what the real cause was. It's kind of ironic because last Saturday Hans went trapsing through the woods to collect leaves from a black walnut tree. We were going to make a tea to help sooth Morgans rash that she had from an alergic reaction from a medication. Little did we know that he would bring back poison ivy oil with him and would share it with all of us. In attempt to relieve one rash we ended up with another. Who would have known.

I guess the worst part is only supposed to last a week. I'm counting down the days!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

More Great Videos

Click this link to see more great videos. Including Haley's kisses in action!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
With ooozzzz

This looked like three bites a few days ago. Located on my leg just above my knee. It has grown and grown into this monsterous thing. I have been so miserible that I haven't been thinking clearly. My legs have itched so bad that I wanted to cut them off.

So my doctor (Hans) recomended doing what he did to a very similar looking spot in his leg the week before. (side note: we thought his spot was a reaction from the shingles because he's roofing our house right now, but now it's not looking like the case.) So anyway, he told me to scrub it with a wire brush (pictured below) in order to pop all the puss bubbles. It took me awhile but I finally gave into his advice.

I didnt' realize how much of my father I had in me when it came to passing out. I managed to scrub with the wire brush a few times but them I had to stop because I thought I might pass out. Even now as I think about it the feeling starts coming back (only on a much smaller scale). So I call for Hans becasue at this point I'm laying on the floor and I can't deside what is worse the passing out sensation or the urge to throw up! Wow what a way to start the day. So Hans had to assist in finishing the wire brush scrub.

I'm glad that is over. Now I have to keep a rag close by because the ooz is constantly dripping. Our life is full of excitement!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Without ooozzz


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Multi purpose tool!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
I thought at first that these were bug bites. It was so bizzar because they would appear in the mornig . I went to bed with clear skin and woke up with these. Hans thought maybe we had bed bug. Yuck! But after some research we resolved that it couldn't have been bed bugs. So something was getting me and we didn't know what. We spent the day yesturday away because we bombed the house. We are going to kill what ever it was...hopefully. Unfortunatly the more we think about it we don't think it is bites at all. We think it must be envirornmental. There is something we are coming in contact with that our (the whole family except Haley) body is responding to. All of us have developed skin problems in the last week.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
This is part of Morgan's skin issues.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Mommy loves her girls!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
We are all watching the pitures of Aliyah and Elyse on Lanaya's blog.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Haley has learned to give kisses and she loves to give them all the time. Any time she sees anyone else kiss she leans towards them to join in.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Hans and I were honored to stand with my good friend Leesa and her husband John as they renewed their wedding vows.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
What a beautiful family. We sure miss living right down the street from them. They've been our family away from family!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Two of my sweet girls.