Monday, June 06, 2005

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my moms bithday! For your birthday mom I posted your adorable grandgirls pictures. I also sent you a card but I got confused and sent it out today because today is your birthday. I didn't realize that I needed to send it before your birthday so you would recieve it on your birthday. So anyway, it's on its way.

I love you and hope you had a fabulous day. I will try one more time to get you on the phone to wish you a very merry birthday!

I'm full of cheese tonight. I think I'd better head to bed.

Morgan Taylor and her famous curls! She weighs 17 lbs 6 oz. and is 28 inches tall. She walks around like a pro now and is completly potty trained! I'm one proud mama! Okay, I'm just joking about her being potty trained. But I'm still proud of my blue eyed beauty!

This was such a kodak moment! I'm so amazed I was there to capture it. Morgan stands in awe of the discovery of her shadow. It was so sweet. She kept going after the curl.

Wow what a curl!

Her curl even amazes herself.

Elizabeth is a good sister sharing her cookie with Morgan.

Raspberry Jam Adventure. Hans likes raspberry jam and I prefer strawberry jam. What is a girl to do? Make both! And that is just what we did! Here Elizabeth is stiring the crushed up berries to get the seeds out. She started out with good intentions of helping but got extremely distracted as you will see.

I don't want to help anymore. I want to play in the water.

Next thing I know she added soap to make bubbles.

And to my suprise. She had striped down and climbed in. It's just so much fun!

Strawberry Jam Adventure. Elizabeth was such a good helper. We made the jam together. She picked the the leaves off the top and handed them to me and I would core them. Then we washed the berries together.

Step 1 completed!

I was amazed that the berry stain came right off when we washed our hands.

Elizabeths job was to stir until the sugar was dissolved.

This is good!

Oopps! Got a little sticky on me.

Mom this is really, really good!

Tahdah! And it turned out wonderful if I do say so myself. Here I am 6 months pregnant for all of my fans out there that wanted to see a belly shot. Today Hans and I were actually watching the baby kick and move around.

My daughter is too cute!

Elizabeth has a passion for books like her mommy.

Morgan is playing with her sister on her new birthday toy! The music it played when you touched the red buttons only lasted two days. Then the batteries went bye bye. It was so loud and annoying.

Morgan is starting to develop a desire to help out around the house. Also, behind her is our new furniture.