Home Sweet Home!
The girls and I are coming home for a visit. We will be arriving August 10th. It will be good to see everyone in Washington but my heart is torn because my hansy will not be coming with us. We'll be apart for three weeks. We've never been apart that long. I will miss him terribly.
I'm praying for God's grace to fly with the girls by myself. That should be quite and adventure. Thank you Jesus for strollers! I don't think I could manage it with out our double stroller. Anyway, while we are there is there anybody that has a toddle size car seat we could borrow? We'll bring Morgans with us but if I don't have to I'd rather not pack Elizabeths too.
We look forward to seeing all our family and friends. This trip will really make the last two months of my pregnancy fly by. By the time I get back I'll have less then four weeks until my due date.