Thursday, September 29, 2005

Getting closer

Well I woke up this morning to some intense contractions about 5:30. I also had begun to loose my mucus plug. Hans and I stayed in bed until a little after 6:00 just to see if they were going to continue. They did so we got up. I got ready as if I was going to head out to the birthing center with in the hour or so. However, after I got up and around and ate they stopped. So we went back to bed. Since then I've had contractions off and on all day (more off then on). Nothing consistent that would make me think I need to head out. We'll see!


At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about you all day, wondering...if you are going to have this baby in Sept. you had better get going :-) I had 3 babies due in Sept., but none born then, two miscarried and Andy was born in Oct. October is only a few days away, so that wouldn't be so bad! I love you, Nic, Momjudi

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Jenni said...

Wow Nicole that is so exciting. You are really close! Can't wait to hear that you're on your way to the birthing center. If you want I can do a quick entry for you after you leave, just call me and I will do that for you. Love you Nicole!


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