Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Not much new here!

Did I say not much new? I was mistaken. I wanted to announce our ever expanding family. Before you go and think that we're preganant again let me just tell you we're not...yet! Ha Ha. But we do have 5 precious tomatoes on our tomatoe plants.

I have posted 16 new drop shots. Click on the links below and it will take you to them.

Morgan's message to Elyse

The first four of this day are new

These are just to precious. Hans has a message for his mom and you can watch the girls use the juicer.

Reply to Aidan


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Is she cute or what?


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
And there you have it folks!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Haley was having a great time playing with her tonue.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Haley has two teeth now that are very obvious until you try and get a picture of them to show family and friends back home. You can see one sticking out there.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
The girls and I are addicted to juicing now. Our usual drink consists of lemon, carrot, celery, roman lettuce, and some times an apple. The girls weren't really that excited about drinking it until they got to be the ones to make it. Now they gobble it up and ask for more. I just can't get over how cute it is to watch my two year old juice all by herself (after I prep them of course).


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
This is the girls checking out the turtle.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
We've seen a lot of different animals here in Michigan but this is one of the oddest. Not that turtles are odd. It was just very odd to see one in our yard. Hans even got to see a squirl try and bully him.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
This is so sweet. My handsom husband and my precious baby. If you look closely it even looks like Haley is smiling in her sleep.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
These are Morgans all time favorite!

Congrats Bria!

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
This is my little sister Bria. She graduated from High School this year and she just turned 18 years old. Bless you Bria as you pursue God's plan for your life. We love you!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Tere and Elizabeth playing with tere's bike.

Saturday, June 17, 2006


We are really pretty much in a similar position. Still trying to sell these two houses. We thought (and may still have) a buyer for the Grosse Pointe house but he's taking to long so we've started marketing it again. Hans is still trying to get the other house listed. The realtor company he's been working with isn't exactly very helpful in training. And Hans' strength is not paper work.

Spiritually however, I think we are in a much better place. I know I am. I'm having to learn things (simple things) all over again at this stage of life. Simple things like "Trust and Obey". But God has been so patient with me. I think this new eating habit has come at a perfect time because I can't turn to food for comfort like I did before. The only thing I have is God! And it's a great place to be. Plus I'm 25 pounds lighter than I was a few months ago. That's always nice. Twenty more pounds and I'll be back to were I was when I got married. I don't know if I'll get that low but it doesn't matter. I keep getting on the scale, mostly in disbelief, and it keep going down. It's weird but I'm excited to detoxify. The girls and I make our own juice concoctions. Mostly from veggies, but always with a lemon. That really helps to hid the veggie taste. I will post a video of them helping me. Even Morgan can do it after I cut the veggies up to fit in the juicer. She's so cute.

We're able to attend more of the church we are going to then usual becasue all of our girls are comfortable staying in the nursery. They love it and we do to. It's an A/G church we found via the A/G web site. We went to church BBQ at someone's house. They live on a lake. The girls had an absolute blast. They had their two most favorite things to play with, dirt (sand) and water. Elizabeth was in the water almost the entire time. Haley loved the water too but I got tired to trying to keep her from eating the sand so she didn't get as much water time. Hans and I got to go toob'n. That was fun. I had never done that before.

Very cute picture and video's to come.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Would you like to see my girls?

To help ease the pain of family and friends so far away. I have posted several new video clips of every day life with my girls. If you'd like to take a peek click on the link below.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
This is one of my favorite pictures. Don't you think it belongs in a magazine or something. It is so typical. My girls love to play dress up. They even include Haley in all the fun.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
I made some bread and Elizabeth and Morgan wanted to help. They love to play with the dough. So I gave them each a chunk to make there our rolls with. This was there creation. They enjoyed eating their rolls when they came out the the oven.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Morgan was getting a little irritated with Haley playing with Pooh.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Haley love's her binki's.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Hans and I were swinging the girls in the blanket. One at a time of course. We are all about safty don'cha know. Except Morgan got to close to the blanket when we were swinging Elizabeth and got wacked. Oops.

The girls tried swinging their Daddy but it just didn't work very well.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
We went to a water park (which ended up shuting down 10 minutes after we got there because of a chemical imbalance) on Memorial Day. It was a fun day even though it was 92 degrees. We ended up running through a sprinkler (that was watering some newly planted trees) and having ice cube fights. It was a great family day.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
I have such sweet girls!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Yes that lovely yellow is the room the girls sleep in. I was getting them ready for bed. It was so hot that they were just going to sleep in their diapers. Haley (who still sleeps in our room in a play pin) was visiting with her sister's before bed. They were all three sitting next to each other giving one another hugs. It was the most precious thing. Of course when I got back with my camera. Haley had moved on. When I tried to put her back on the bed she was not amused. This the the most desent shot I got. It doesn't even come close to the cute pose they were in before I had my camera.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Haley is eight months old now. Her latest tricks include crawling and pulling herself up to a standing position. She hasn't attempted to climb anything yet. She loves to eat but is limited to what her little body tolerates. She likes cantaloup, and bananna's really well.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
We bought some plants and the girls helped me plant them in pots. I'm having a pot garden this year. I've got tomatoes, kale, cucumbers, and broccoli and I think we're going to plant some garlic that is sprouting on our kitchen counter.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Morgan wanted to join in on Haley's fun. I had to get it on film (or I guess I should say disc) before I told her to get off and she wasn't allowed to get in the baby doll swing. When Haley was done swinging she managed to climb in the bigger one. Since she only weighs 22 pounds I fingure she's got some time before she out grows that one.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
My girls have so much fun together. It blesses me to watch them play together.