Wednesday, December 28, 2005

So much for catching up on sleep!

Well we desided to go to bed early because we've been needing to catch up on some sleep. So we head to bed about ten or so. Haley wakes up around 2:30 (which is unusual for her. She's been sleeping through the night for several weeks now) I put her binki in her mouth and she goes back to sleep. Unfortunatly, I lay in bed and don't go back to sleep. So after about 30 minutes of not sleeping I desided I could be much more productive if I get up. I got up and finished organizing/editing my pictures and then I thought I'd better update my blog because I have no idea when I'm going to have access to our computer again. is now 5 in the morning. So much for catching up on sleep. Oh well at least I got things accomplished that needed to be done.

We are moving out of our house on Friday morning. We will be staying with my Uncle Bob and Aunt Deannie for a couple of weeks. The plan is...If the bank doesn't accept our offer on the house then we'll rent a place from a guy that goes to our church until we do get an accepted offer.

Hans has been going back and forth as to wheather (is that the right spelling? Do ask me I'm not thinking very clearly.) or not we will be coming for a visit in Washington. God knows. I'm just trying to wait paitently to find out what His plan is.

So when we get settled somewhere I'll update you as to what ended up happening. In the mean time Hans could really use your prayers of encouragement. This is a very challenging time for us.

I'm going to attempt to go back to bed now!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Morgan at dinner tonight. We wanted to go to bed early tonight so I didn't give Morgan a nap today. The poor thing couldn't even think about eating her dinner she was so tired. When we looked over at her so was slipping quickly into la la land. Going...


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
We made a turkey dinner and had John and Leesa and their gang over on Christmas. We had a great time. Thank for helping us take our minds off the fact that we are a couple thousand miles away from our family. We really appreciate your friendship.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Elizabeth is a good mommy!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Elizabeth was practicing her ability to put mascarra on. She thought she'd try it out on her sister first. If you look at Morgans hands you'll see that see thought she's give it a try also.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Morgans way of decorating cookies...apply frosting to cookie, lick frosting off cookie, apply more frosting on cookie. However, after several sessions of the decorating technique she desided to forget the cookie all together and just apply the frosting directly to her toung.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
My girls found some hats when we were sorting through some hand-me-downs.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Notice the mark on my forehead? Hans desided to attack me and try and give me a hiki (how in the world do you spell that anyway?) on my forehead...and it actually worked.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Thank you John and Leesa for including us in your family cookie decorating tradition. We had a great time. Having friends like you makes spending the holidays away from family much more bareable. Elizabeth went a little crazy with the sprinkles. To see some of her creation you can look at our flickr account.

August Pics 015

August Pics 015
Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
In the midst of packing I realized that I'd better get all my photos organized before the move or it may never happen. In the process of doing so I've discovered some cool editing tools. Here is a picture that I had fun tweeking! Needless to's taking me a lot longer to organize my photos.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Elizabeth has a great time with her new tea set.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Can't think of a title

Sorry! I have tried to blog the little bit that we do know about where we will be going as of Jan 1st. I posted it and when I went back to my blog later it wasn't there. It's in never never blog land. So I won't be nerly as creative in telling you...we are not sure where we are going. We'll be spending a few weeking visiting in Washington. We currently have an offer in on a house that if accepted we will move into. If not...well we'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it.

I have to share my tramatic dream...I let my grandma hold Haley (2 1/2 months old) and when I went back to get her she was gone and my grandma didn't know where she was. We were in a public place and I was searching all over for her. I would see another baby and think it was her. But when I went over and grabbed her out of another's arms, I would start to feel so relived, and then they would inform me that it wasn't Haley. That happened like three times...I finally fell to my knees in tears because I lost my baby! The agony of it all. Lukily in the end Elizabeth my three year old told us where she had put her. Odd! Elizabeth isn't allowed to carry Haley around. Dreams are weird. But I'm still trying to recover.

I busy packing. Hans turned 34 this week. He's also going to real estate school so he can get his realtors license. God really seems to be opening doors for us business wise. It will be nice to get out of this hole we seem to be in.

Our adventurous life continues!

To God be the glory! That sounds really religous but we really do want our lives to glorify our Lord. We serve a fun God.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

On the Road Again!

Well we have another adventure approaching us. We sold our house and are going to let the family move in before Christmas! Wow change is happening quickly. We're going to go to Washington for a visit in January. Business is starting to pick up. We also sold our house in Las Vegas. God is taking good care of us!

It is FREEZING! I'm not sure why anyone would want to live in Michigan. It was about 15 degrees yesturday and it's supposed to get into the single digits today. BRRR that is way to cold for me. I'm just glad I don't have to go anywhere. I like to stay inside when it's that cold.

It does seem to be a bit caotic around here but life is good. We're flexible! I do view life as an adventure. And most the time it's a fun one!

I wish you all a very merry Christmas! I'm sure this will be the last post until after Christmas. Well I better get packing!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Morgan went through a tounge faze. This picture drives me crazy because I want to wipe her nose.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Happy Birthday! As you can see I wasn't very prepaired.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Morgan had just woke up from her nap and Elizabeth was in there "talking" to her...or so I thought. She must have climbed up on the side of the crib and it tipped. When I hurd the crash and went in her room Elizabeth was sitting on the mattrise and Morgan was trying to climb out from under it but was having trouble because Elizabeth was squishing her.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
My OB Dr Graff.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
I'm always trying to get a good shot of all my girls. Haley was not in the mood for such things.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
My little sweeties!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
I have THREE girls!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Stickers are so much fun!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Haley was helping me wake Morgan up.


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
What a beautiful family God has blessed me with!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
One of our little friends!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
My little smiley girls