Friday, September 30, 2005

Haley Jean Stol

She's here!!!

Haley Jean Stol, born at about 5:32 pm, 8 lbs 13 oz, 20 inches long.

Nicole is doing really well, her labor and delivery both went really well. She had about 3 hours of labor at the birthing center and then about 3 pushes and Haley graced the world with her presence!

Nicole said that the girls really love their new little sister, Morgan couldn't stop giving hugs and kisses. She probably likes that she too has a little sister now!

The Stol family has once again been blessed with a sweet little girl. She said she would post pictures soon, I'm sure they have plenty!

Can't wait to see her! Jenni

Here comes the baby!

Okay folks! This is the moment you've all been waiting for. We're off to the Alternative Birth Care Unit. I can't wait to be holding my precious little one in my arms. You'll have to wait to find out how we are going to spell her name. I'll post pictures just as soon as I want to. How's that for commitment! Better go!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Getting closer

Well I woke up this morning to some intense contractions about 5:30. I also had begun to loose my mucus plug. Hans and I stayed in bed until a little after 6:00 just to see if they were going to continue. They did so we got up. I got ready as if I was going to head out to the birthing center with in the hour or so. However, after I got up and around and ate they stopped. So we went back to bed. Since then I've had contractions off and on all day (more off then on). Nothing consistent that would make me think I need to head out. We'll see!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

40 weeks and counting...

I went to the doctor today. I am 50% effaced and have dialated to a 2. This baby will come!!!! It may not be a september baby, but she will come. I'm still feel really good. My next apt. will be Tuesday October 4th. If I don't have the baby by the 5th the doc wants to induce me. So just pray I have the baby before that. I don't want to be induced.

It does seem like I'm going to be pregnant forever but I know that it simply not true. It will be so fun to hold a newborn in my arms again.

I'll keep you posted.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Tick Tock...Tick Tock...Tick Tock

Well my due date has come and gone. And still no baby! That's okay though. I know God has a plan in mind and this baby will be born on just the right day. I just hope it doesn't have a chance to reach 12 pounds in the mean time. I'm feeling good. Just trying to patiently await the birth of this little blessing. My mom got here Saturday night. That has helped distract me some.

God is so good and I trust Him and dedicate this birth to Him and for His glory!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The count down!

One week left...give or take a week or two. Hopefully not two. I'm not sure why but I can't seem to get to sleep at night. It is 11:30 and my family is fast asleep and I'm in front of the computer because I don't feel sleepy. Okay, now I feel a little sleepy but when I sat down here 45 minuts ago I didn't. I can't stand just laying in bed so I thought I would go ahead and post the pictures from last week. I normally don't post so often but you see I downloaded my pictures off my camera (to make room for the birth) and the pictures turned out so good I can't help but post them so you can enjoy them with me.

So far the spelling pole has shown an overwhelming likeness to spell our baby's name Hailey. We shall see what we deside. It's really cool being the parents becuase when it comes right down to it...our vote is the only one that counts! No offense intended...It's been fun to see what our family in friends think as well.

Hopefully this will be the last blog before baby comes! Then maybe I'll be able to sleep at night. I'm just so excited to hold my sweet baby in my arms. Not to mention the little bugger preforms a ballet evey night...or maybe she's just practicing her karate, I'm not sure which. I know what you're thinking and I want you to stop!!! Don't speak those words of sleepless nights over me. I do not recieve them. Elizabeth basically slept through the night right from the get go. It could happen agian.

Good Night~

Thank you Jesus for my curls!

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
I must show off her beautiful curls as well.

Yes my hair is long enough now!

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
I put Morgans hair up for the first time. She thought it was pretty neat.

Field Trip Fun!

Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
The girls and I went to the apple "pourchard" as Elizabeth calls it. She had so much fun on our way home from church today she asked if we could go there again. Thanks for letting us join you lessa. For those of you out of state...this is my friend Leesa and two of her six children. She is the one that is going to watch the girls whenever Baby decides to join the rest of the world.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The votes are rolling in...

Don't miss out on your chance to give your oppinion. She far we have four votes to spell our daughters name Hailey. The other options are Haley or Haily. Her middle name will be Jean.

Also, not the link to the right under "Our Photos". If you click on that it will take you to view all our recent photos.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Sept '05_006

Sept '05_006
Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Daddy gives his girls a ride. I'm not sure what he's going to do when all three want a ride.

Sept '05_007

Sept '05_007
Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
This is the blanket my Auntie Polly made me when I graduated from High School.

Sept '05_010

Sept '05_010
Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Elizabeth thinks it's great fun to put makeup on like mommy. I sure hope I look a little more presentable then my darling daughter after I'm done putting makeup on.

Sept '05_020

Sept '05_020
Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
The girls...Elizabeth especially...are looking forward to meeting there new little sissy.

Sept '05_027

Sept '05_027
Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
I had a doctors apointment today. And reluctantly I let her check me. I tried to talk her out of it but she was very insistent. She was convinced I must be dialated to a 6 and would have this baby any minute. I have no idea why she thought that. There was no indication that that was the case. Anyway, I haven't even began to dialate yet. My mothers prayers must be working. She fly's in on the 24th. My due date is the 25th. All is going well. Most of the time I feel great. Every once in a while I feel really READY to have this baby. But for the most part I'm not in a hurry. I still have things on my list of "things to do".

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What do you think?

Okay, most of you that read this blog don't ever leave comments and I'm learning to live with that. However, this time I would appreciate your imput. I'm due in 11 days to have this baby. We've desided on a name and now I'm just wondering how we should spell it. I wanted to set up on of those fun pole things but I don't want to take the time to figure out how to do it. So should we spell her name...

Haily Jean Stol

Hailey Jean Stol (Thanks to Jenni)


Haley Jean Stol

Let me know what you think!!!

Monday, September 05, 2005

To view pictures

There are a lot of pictures from our trip that I've posted on our flickr account. For my "not so computer literate" family and friends I will tell you once again how to get there.

Step one: Move your arrow over one of the below pictures (It will most likly turn into a hand once it's over the picture).

Step two: Click once on the left hand side of your mouse.

Walla!! You are there and you can view all the fabulous pictures!!!

There is no place like HOME!!

The girls and I are finally starting to feel settled once again after a long visit in Washington with Family and friends. We were there for three weeks. Way to long to be away from your lover! Just incase you didn't know Hans was not able to come with us. While there we were able to be at my grandpa's 80th birthday party and Jesse's wedding. We also went camping, and were able to visit with lot's of friends and family. The flight back was a challange. Elizabeth had a low fever and was very clingy! It was an exhausting day. I was so relieved to see my hansy. I was through traveling alone!

Fall is a very pleasant season in Michigan. Infact it is the only pleasant season in Michigan. So we are enjoying the warm wheather with out the humidity. Leaves and caterpillers are falling off the trees like crazy. Especially the caterpillers...all over our decks. Yuck!

Three weeks until my due date. I have a doctors apointment tomorrow. I'm still feeing really good. Although the last couple of days I have noticed my ring is getting to tight to wear. We went to the birth center/hospital that I'll be birthing at. The nurses there are midwives and they seem very nice. They say they try and give you the birth experience that you want. ie, no IV, or monitor, ect. God has everything under control. I'm excited to have this baby!

Our financess...well lets just say we are experiencing living by faith. Hans says he feels like Peter on the water. Currently he's focused on Jesus so he feels at peace. Oh but it's so easy to get distracted by the big waves crashing around him. If you think of it pray that he will have the grace to keep his eyes on Jesus!

God is so good. And He's taking good care of us! I don't promise to blog again until after the baby comes. I've got a lot to do to prepare. My mom will be flying in on the 24th (a day before my due date). Then my dad will come Oct. 5th. Hopefully the baby will be here by then. Until then...Chow!

August.2 2005 (79)

August.2 2005 (79)
Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Daddy welcomes his girls home. It's so good to be back!

August.2 2005 (70)

August.2 2005 (70)
Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Photo Session with the cousins! A tough job indeed!

August.2 2005 (53)

August.2 2005 (53)
Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Lunch at Olive Garden. Yum Yum! Thanks Dad and Mom!

August.2 2005 (35)

August.2 2005 (35)
Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Quality Mall time with the Aguilar family!

August Pics 051

August Pics 051
Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Happy 80th Grandpa!


Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
We got to spend some time with our good friends the Burns'.

August.2 2005 (83)

August.2 2005 (83)
Originally uploaded by NicoleStol.
Elizabeth came home to a present from her friend Tera.