The girls and I are finally starting to feel settled once again after a long visit in Washington with Family and friends. We were there for three weeks. Way to long to be away from your lover! Just incase you didn't know Hans was not able to come with us. While there we were able to be at my grandpa's 80th birthday party and Jesse's wedding. We also went camping, and were able to visit with lot's of friends and family. The flight back was a challange. Elizabeth had a low fever and was very clingy! It was an exhausting day. I was so relieved to see my hansy. I was through traveling alone!
Fall is a very pleasant season in Michigan. Infact it is the only pleasant season in Michigan. So we are enjoying the warm wheather with out the humidity. Leaves and caterpillers are falling off the trees like crazy. Especially the caterpillers...all over our decks. Yuck!
Three weeks until my due date. I have a doctors apointment tomorrow. I'm still feeing really good. Although the last couple of days I have noticed my ring is getting to tight to wear. We went to the birth center/hospital that I'll be birthing at. The nurses there are midwives and they seem very nice. They say they try and give you the birth experience that you want. ie, no IV, or monitor, ect. God has everything under control. I'm excited to have this baby!
Our financess...well lets just say we are experiencing living by faith. Hans says he feels like Peter on the water. Currently he's focused on Jesus so he feels at peace. Oh but it's so easy to get distracted by the big waves crashing around him. If you think of it pray that he will have the grace to keep his eyes on Jesus!
God is so good. And He's taking good care of us! I don't promise to blog again until after the baby comes. I've got a lot to do to prepare. My mom will be flying in on the 24th (a day before my due date). Then my dad will come Oct. 5th. Hopefully the baby will be here by then. Until then...Chow!